My Toybox of Fun Stuff
Online Games
No downloading needed!
PokeFarm Q-"Collect Eggs, hatch them and care for the Pokemon that emerge in this free-to-play online fan-game!"
Mobile Friendly
Friday Night Funkin'-"It's basically like DDR, press arrow when arrow over other arrow. And uhhh don't die."
CHAINSAW DANCE-"Chainsaw Dance is a short rhythm game based on the manga."
Yu Jammin-"Learn how to make music and hate your creation within the span of two minutes."
B-Cubed-"Remove the cubes and get to the red square."
(I played this in school after computer lab)
Lemonade Stand-"How much money can you make?"
(Another I played in school)
Suika Watermelon Game-"Your goal is to get the highest score possible through merging. Once your box fills to the brim, it's game over!"
My Jerma985 Stream Playlist
Most recent on preview
80 video playlist of all the Jerma streams I've watched over the years.
Quiz Results
What Eevee Evolution Are You?
Which Of The Mane Six Are You?
What Vocaloid Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?